Corruption and the rumble in the jungle of justice By Dayo Sobowale

Ibrahim-Magu-3-653x365Ibrahim  Magu, the acting Chairman of the  EFCC is  the anti corruption czar  of  Nigeria and  the helmsman  of the new government’s war  against corruption. This  week he unmasked himself as a man ready to die in the fight against  corruption  because corruption ruins any society with impunity and must be stopped by all means. Let  me state clearly here  that  I not only  believe him, I admire his courage  and pray  that he does not die in harness. Which means that he does  not die in the course of his duty and to ensure that,  I  feel,  is the duty  and  responsibility  of all right thinking Nigerians.  It   follows  therefrom,   ipso facto   that he utterances  of the Nigerian anti  corruption czar this week  form the kernel  of our discussion  today.

As  reported widely  in the media Ibrahim  Magu accused Senior Advocates of  Nigeria – SANs-, and  journalists  of trying to sabotage  the war against corruption by blackmailing the EFCC by accusing it of selective prosecution  and violating the rule of law in prosecuting those  being arraigned on charges  of  corruption.  He reportedly  said that SANs  are being paid from  the proceeds of corruption  which  are   invariably used to pervert the course of justice when  judges are bribed on the  corruption cases before them. The  anti  corruption  czar  went  on to accuse  journalists of taking bribes to write against  the EFCC   and by  accusing the body of selective prosecution  and flouting the rule  of law.  Magu  went on again to stress  that his organization does its home work well before dragging suspects to court and has not violated any rules in the fight against  corruption.

He  cited boldly the case involving a  SAN accused of obstructing the course  of justice in which 113  SANs  showed  up  in court where only one of them  appeared before the judge and in  which the  EFCC defeated the armada of SANs in court on that case.   There is therefore  no  doubt  that the EFCC boss is mad at both SANs  and journalists  as  stumbling blocks or road  blocks in the fight against corruption which must  be confronted and dismantled  all costs.

Again  I agree  totally with  the EFCC boss  that  such  journalists and  SANs  should  be dealt  with  if they  are doing such  nefarious and odious things like shielding treasury looters and corrupt  people. But then,  the  EFCC  boss must  be told that   bluntly   that he is committing a fallacy of generalization in  making  such sweeping statements. This  is because in reality  not  all SANs  are  corrupt and not  all  journalists  are  corrupt  too. In addition the  EFCC needs  to  adopt  a strategy  of collaboration rather than  one of confrontation which appears  to be his working strategy  for now and which is exacting a price akin to that of a suicide  mission. I  will elaborate.

The  law, anywhere,   operates in the temples of justice which  are the courts spread  over our  towns  and cities   spread  all  over Nigeria. The  way  the EFCC boss  has spoken  about SANs  and lawyers in the fight  against  corruption  informed my calling the courts a jungle of justice instead of  temples  and  that is an unfortunate  development in the fight against corruption. It  is unfortunate  in that the EFCC  cannot  operate outside the courts in the fight against  corruption simply  because  that is the nature of our  judicial  system  and the rule  of law. The judiciary is the third arm of government and is equal in power to the executive which the EFCC  represents, and  the legislature. The  judicial  system includes the judges, the Lawyers, including SANs – 113  of which the EFCC boss  says  are ganging up against the anti  corruption war. This  is  a division in the house  of justice and it   is an extravagant  waste of energy. There must  be synergy between the EFCC, the  legal profession and judges for the war against corruption  to succeed. They do not have to agree as litigation is about disagreements and disputes but  they  must all  be devoted to the pursuit of justice and  constitutionalism.  Anything else is dissipation of energy and does  not help the fight against corruption when justice is delayed and made too expensive in terms of time  and money.

While I  will not  hold  brief for both SANs  and  journalists  on the charges made against them I  cannot  resist a rare  opportunity to make  some  observations on the two very  important professions especially  in the fight against corruption. Let  me start  with the SANs  where  I  think  the EFCC boss mistook  a solidarity  or class issue  for conspiracy.  I  think  the way  so  many SANs  showed up in court was not necessarily to fight EFCC or to intimidate the court.

But  the SANs  are  Nigerian  enough to  know  that such a show of solidarity could be interpreted as  judicial  blackmail.  No  SAN certainly is above the law and that is what the EFCC has  boldly shown and that is quite  commendable.

On  the allegations that SANs benefit from  the proceeds of corruption I leave it to SANs  to defend themselves  on that. One  thing is certain  though. Lawyers  and SANs  live  on the briefs  they get and  in the Nigerian  context  there  is a lot of  money flowing  from those fleeing from the strong arm of the war against  corruption.  All SANs  need to do in the name of transparency and  show of integrity in the fight  against  corruption is to publish their clients payments on the anti  corruption  cases  and  the taxes they have paid. I am  sure that  Nigerians would  appreciate such patriotic and salutary gesture immensely  as we pursue the fight against  corruption.  It  would  certainly show on which  side of the law our legal luminaries  are in the fight against  corruption.

With  regard to the charge  against journalists, I  think  Chairman Magu was exaggerating as both  need to work  together  against corruption. That  does not mean there should be media trials which means suspects  are condemned before court trials. That is not fair.

While I agree that the odium or stigma  of stealing should be used to deter people from  stealing that should be used as a means to an end and not the end itself. Magu  admitted this as much when he lamented that Allison Madueke’s  aide  had  been in their  custody  for three days and he wondered how he had managed the publicity.  What publicity? Obviously the bad news that the man  was in EFCC custody.

Which  means that the  EFCC expects, as a matter of course that any news of arrest must be front page news. If  the  suspect is found guilty in court that is quite okay.  If  not,  that is media trial and that is unfair  because our law presumes a man innocent until proven  guilty. The  war on corruption needs to  be pursued  with this in mind and journalists  don’t  have  to take bribes  to point this out anytime, anywhere. Indeed  journalists don’t  have to agree or endorse  everything government or EFCC does  in the fight against corruption as long as they  are  committed to  the fight. Which really  is their  responsibility as the Fourth  Estate  of the realm, the meaning of which I urge the EFCC  boss to find  out before his next  outburst.  Again  long live the Federal  Republic of Nigeria.




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