Complaints on Poor Electricity Supply in Abiona Close, Falolu Road and Environs

ElectricityDear Sirs,

On behalf of the residents of Abiona Close, off Falolu Road, Masha, Surulere, Lagos (Residents), please find attached our petition setting out, in detail, our complaints as regards the unfair treatment meted to us by the Eko Electricity Distribution Company (Eko Disco). While we note that electricity has generally improved in Surulere, the Residents barely receive up to 3 hours of electricity in a week. In fact, in the preceding week of 22nd February to 28 February, the lights barely blinked and residents have had to survive on generators in face of the ongoing fuel scarcity.

Notwithstanding the terrible supply of power, the Residents are required to pay monthly bills within an outrageous range of N8,000 to N20,000, which are, more often than not, paid promptly and in full. It is our belief that this treatment is unconscionable as it appears that Eko Disco seeks to take advantage of the law abiding and bill paying Residents.

Thus, in line with the NERC Customer Complaints Handling: Standards and Procedures Regulation, having exhausted all channels in trying to appeal to Eko Disco, we have decided to approach the Eko Consumer Forum Office and NERC itself to resolve the issues detailed in our Letter of Complaints.

Physical copies of the Letter of Complaints attached will be delivered to your good offices.


Damisola Akolade-Yilu
On behalf of Abiona Close Residents



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