China Changes Failed Two-Child Policy

China has launched a three-child policy where Chinese people can now have up to three children. In 2016, they scrapped their infamous one-child policy and allowed couples to have two children. It seems the dwindling workforce and increasing aged population are finally catching the eyes of the communist government. The one-child policy was implemented in the 1970s to get the population explosion under control as China tried to catch up with the western world in development. It led to many capricious problems as children growing up as only children had what was described as little emperor syndrome that is, being treated like royalty as being the only child doted on by two sets of grandparents and parents. It also has now consequentially led to a mass gender imbalance due to the male preference since people only had one shot. Currently in China, there are about 34.9 million more men than women. This is not only a crisis in terms of normalcy in having a family life or a life partner but also a security threat. Gender imbalance has been correlated to increase in gender-based violence against women as the imbalance occurs in countries with strong male preference. The bottom of this totem pole are poor, single, unemployed men who have little to no prospects of finding a partner and are considered a threat to the peace in society as it turns them volatile. They often in desperation join a life of crime.

The three-child policy was a much-talked about topic on Weibo, where about 440 million netizens engaged, discussing the policy. Most felt that this new policy will have little to no impact on the future choices made by young people as if that were the case they would’ve seen a huge boom in fertility when the government allowed two children in 2016. But not only has the number not gone up post the two-child policy but also has actually fallen. In 2020, only 12 million Chinese babies were born. A major reason in this constant decline is the popularity and normalising of the hustle culture known as the 9-6-6 lifestyle, which is to work 9-6, six days a week. Amongst the educated urban youth, many children who grew up as only children do not wish to have more than one child. The cost of raising a child in 2020 was pegged at 1.99 million yuan and that is a modest estimate. Couples have their respective sets of parents to take care of and with their own lives to live, they feel it would be incredibly unfair to have children when they simply cannot afford to give them a comfortable lifestyle. Many expressed that the government’s incentive to have children is paid maternity leave of about 98 days although that changes province to province. That is simply not enough incentive to have more children.

Although it is illegal to not hire a woman based on her pregnancy status, many employers still force employees to sign contracts that state the female will quit when she gets pregnant. It is ironically the late stages of capitalist market and controlling communist government that have brought this on China. It seems very clear that the government can increase the allowance to 10 children but people will simply not have any more children without proper safety nets provided by the government for their health and education. It is for this reason that the most productive and highly educated urban population often prefers to be a double income household without any children.

On the one hand, China is desperately trying to increase its population but on the other hand, they are busy sterilising the Muslims in the Xinjiang province. Reports of forced IUDs implantations and hysterectomies have become common targeting women who are ethnically Uyghur Muslim. China completely denies these allegations even though an obvious decline in the birth rates in the area has been observed. In just four years between 2015 and 2019, the fertility rate among the Uyghur Muslim women went down by 84%. That is in no way normal and exposes the blatant lies told by the Chinese government. So, the seeds of a race-based policy have started to sprout.

It is obvious why China wants to increase its population. As a country in the late stages of development it is going to become an aged nation and there’s not enough people to be a part of the workforce, China would lose its edge in manufacturing which is a result of having more manpower and thus lose the economic growth it has accrued, China under President Xi is a vision of one-China, as one nation of Han Chinese identity and for that, China has already taken steps to dismantle ethnic minority culture. Be it forcing sterilisation of the Uyghur Muslims or changing the curriculum of inner Mongolia to be specifically in Chinese and not Mongolian at all. Whatever the case, China’s undoing will be its own inhumane desire to decide how people should behave and that simply won’t go well.

Dr Simmons is a Sino affairs analyst based in London.




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