Business Entities in Nigeria By Kaine Agary

It is that time of the year again when people begin to plan and put structures in place for the upcoming new year. Although people make a big do about expressing their New Year’s resolutions on New Year’s Day, they give it a lot of thought long before the day comes upon them. Apart from personal goals, people plan for their businesses, whether they are starting a new business or taking an existing business in a new direction.

In October 2018, the Corporate Affairs Commission announced a reduction of the cost of business name registration by 50 per cent. This means that until December 31, 2018 people interested in registering a business name would pay N5,000 rather than the usual N10,000 after the name reservation fee of N500.

There are several advantages of registering a business name for the purpose of conducting a business. A business name portrays a level of professionalism. With a registered business name, the business can open a bank account in its name and officially transact business in that name. Some institutions will only do business with a registered business entity. So, registering your business with the Corporate Affairs Commission is advantageous.

While registering a business name has its advantages of being cheaper, faster, and simpler than other registerable business entities, it may not be the best option for certain business operations. The scope of the business operations may dictate that a company is registered rather than a business name. For instance, the business might be operating in a sector where the regulations and licensing require that the business vehicle is a limited liability company with a minimum prescribed share capital.

The types of companies that can be registered in Nigeria are: Private Company Limited by Shares (Limited/Ltd); Public Company Limited by Shares (PLC); Unlimited Company (Ultd); and Company Limited by Guarantee (Ltd/Gte).

Private Company Limited by Shares: Most people doing business with family or friends will choose this type of business. This is also the choice where the start-up funds are relatively small. A company limited by shares must have a minimum of two members, but the membership cannot exceed 50. A private company limited by shares cannot offer its share to the general public as a public company can. The minimum authorised share capital for a private company limited by shares is N10,000.

Public Company Limited by Shares: This option is usually chosen where the members envision that there will be a large expansion in the business and members of the public will be invited to be part of the business. The minimum membership is two but there is no maximum as is the case with the private company limited by shares. The minimum authorised share capital for a public company limited by shares is N500,000 and at least 25 per cent of that must be allotted to its members. Public companies are also more regulated than private companies.

Unlimited Company: These are not very popular. As the name suggests, the liability of the company is unlimited. Therefore, upon winding up, where the company’s assets cannot cover its liabilities, the company can reach into the assets of its members to cover its liabilities.

Company Limited by Guarantee: This is the vehicle typically used for art, culture, education, religion and other such charitable purposes. The key in here is that while the company can conduct business, its profits cannot be distributed among its members. Profits must be ploughed back into the company to carry on the objects of the company. Although there is no share capital in a company limited by guarantee, the members undertake to contribute not less than N10,000 to the assets of the company in the event that it is being wound up.

Apart from the regulatory requirements of the Corporate Affairs Commission, one major issue that distinguishes a business name from the business entities listed above, is the issue of legal personality. With a business name, the business is the person and the person is the business. The business liability is automatically the natural person’s liability. So, where the business runs into trouble and the business assets cannot cover its liabilities, the natural person may find himself losing his shirt to pay off the liabilities of the business because he is personally liable, whereas, a company has its own separate legal personality. The liability of the company is limited to the company and its share capital. Where the assets of the company cannot meet its liabilities, there is no option to reach into the pockets of its members to cover the liabilities (unless it is found by a court that the members were up to some funny business with the company’s assets).

Also, the companies have the advantage of perpetual succession, which means that a company can carry on even after the death of one or more of its members. A business name on the other hand dies with the natural person behind it.

While a business name is an entry point in the system and the CAC should be applauded for its strategy to encourage more small business owners to register their businesses, the goal for any entrepreneur as their business expands is to register a company. For those who can afford to register a business, the objectives and projections for the business will help your lawyer in advising you on the best option for the proposed business.

Because of the regulatory obligations of post-registration of a company, it is always a good idea to seek a lawyer’s counsel about which option is best for your business and future plans.




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