Bloodless Battle To Confirm a Nominee By Minabere Ibelema

It was just recently that the Trump administration’s practice of snatching children from parents who crossed illegally into the United States raised a stench around the world. Now the battle over Senate confirmation of President Donald Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court has further deepened the sense of deterioration in US democracy.

The tawdry allegations, incendiary and crude rhetoric, and, above all, the unbridled partisanship all illustrate why democracy is deformed at best where there’s an erosion or dearth of related ethos.

There is a common misconception that democracy is all about elections and majority rule. In reality, that’s only the beginning point. True democracy is also about compromises, reciprocity and the accommodation of contending interests. This was the reason the United States established a bicameral legislature in which representation in the House is based on population and that in the Senate is the same for all states regardless of size.

It is no little irony then that the Senate just subverted the very ethos that brought about its existence. It just exemplified the others-be-damned variety of decision-making. Had similar ethos characterized the negotiations for “a more perfect union,” the United States as we know it would never have come to be. Even Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate majority leader who orchestrated it all, conceded that it was “a dark moment.”

Surely, even this deteriorated form of American democracy is still far better than what is practised in Nigeria and many other countries. (I will return to this.) Suffice to state here that that’s no consolation to the American people who worry aloud about the growing polarization.

Background to ‘a dark moment’

To understand why emotions were so high in the confirmation process for Judge Brett Kavanaugh, one has to go back to 2015, when the Republican-controlled Senate refused to even consider President Barack Obama’s nominee. The reason, they said, was that an election was forthcoming and the position should be filled by its winner. Never mind that the election was still more than one year away.

The unprecedented obstruction of a president’s power was based on the hope that the Republicans would win the election of 2016, as they did. And Trump, their man, got to fill the vacancy. The stakes at the time were much higher for the Republicans given that Justice Antonin Scalia, who had died unexpectedly, was a staunch conservative.

This time round the stakes were much higher for the Democrats. Justice Anthony Kennedy, who recently retired from the court, was a centrist justice who cast the deciding vote on key issues. With Trump at the helm, the Democrats’ best hope was for another relatively centrist replacement. Past presidents often made some concessions. Instead, Trump went for the jugular and nominated an ultra-conservative Kavanaugh. With the stakes so high, the Democrats resolved to stop him.

On the fast track

This time, as fate would have it, a legislative election is a little over a month away. If the Democrats had their way, Kavanaugh would go through a normal vetting process that could have taken months to complete. By then, the Senate might have changed hands from Republican to Democratic control.

And so, McConnell, who kept Obama’s nominee from consideration, this time round put the review process on a fast track. It was partisanship at its most Machiavellian, the kind that brings down democracies elsewhere.

Initially, the Democrats sought to discredit Kavanaugh by pointing to his decisions that suggest that he would vote to make abortion illegal, shield presidents from indictment, and favour management over labour unions.

When that failed, they turned to matters of Kavanaugh’s character. At least three women alleged that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted them while they were in secondary school or university. Two of the three are now university professors. Yet, it took an avalanche of outcry to force the Republicans to agree to have just one of them testify.

The testimony by psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford was riveting and damning. She recounted attending a house party and being subjected to an ordeal that still haunts her. On her way to use the bathroom upstairs, she recalled, she was shoved into a bedroom.

And then: “I was pushed onto the bed and Brett got on top of me. He began running his hands over my body and grinding his hips into me. I yelled, hoping someone downstairs might hear me, and tried to get away from him, but his weight was heavy. Brett groped me and tried to take off my clothes. He had a hard time because he was so drunk, and because I was wearing a one-piece bathing suit under my clothes.

“I believed he was going to rape me. I tried to yell for help. When I did, Brett put his hand over my mouth to stop me from screaming. This was what terrified me the most, and has had the most lasting impact on my life. It was hard for me to breathe, and I thought that Brett was accidentally going to kill me.”

Kavanaugh viscerally denied it all, of course. Yet, lesser claims have cost several executives their jobs. But Ford’s testimony wasn’t enough to derail the confirmation of a justice to the Supreme Court. In fact, it took considerable pressure for Trump to agree to order a formal investigation. But the FBI — which commits years to pursuing phantom threats — took just one week to investigate the probable crime of a Supreme Court nominee.

It was all to the dismay of the Democrats. “The investigation was too limited to be useful,” Senator Doug Jones, of the conservative state of Alabama, said. And that was his polite way of saying the investigation was a sham.

But it provided enough of a veneer of due process for the Republicans, who had already scheduled a committee vote. Trump, who had repeatedly skewered the FBI, must have felt a special warmth for it in this instance.

Incidentally, during the confirmation process, the FBI’s deputy attorney general was due to be fired after it was revealed that he had discussed plans to invoke a constitutional clause that would trigger Trump’s removal from office. Inexplicably, the firing didn’t happen and just three days after Kavanaugh was confirmed, Trump announced that the deputy attorney general wouldn’t be fired.

Kavanaugh was indeed confirmed by a 50-48 vote, an unusually narrow margin for a nominee to the Supreme Court. But that didn’t matter to McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader. He was shown beaming beyond recognition. It was in contrast with his usual grumpy demeanour and menacing stare, which make him look more like a despot’s security chief than the leader of a democratic institution.

Before the confirmation vote, protesters confronted senators in elevators and hallways screaming at them and questioning their conscience. It was all for naught. Kavanaugh has already taken his seat at the Supreme Court, seemingly oblivious of the fact that he is the most tainted justice in recent US history, perhaps ever.

But the matter is not entirely over. A handful of opponents are still protesting outside the Supreme Court, questioning Kavanaugh’s fitness to serve there. Meanwhile, a Democratic senator has raised the prospect of Kavanaugh’s impeachment if the Democrats become the majority party in the House and/or Senate after the elections in November.

For young democracies for whom the US is supposed to be a role model, there is still a silver lining. Despite the stakes, high emotions and Machiavellianism, the process worked itself out. Americans — on both sides of the political chasm — now look forward to the next elections. Nobody was killed and nobody will be killed when the elections come around.

In this sense at least, the US still has something to offer to countries such as Nigeria as an albeit compromised model of democracy.




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