Tunde Bakare, overseer of the Citadel Global Community Church, formerly known as Latter Rain Assembly, says the current state of the nation does not reflect the President Muhammadu Buhari he knew when he was his running mate in 2011, noting that his legacy is in grave danger of being confined to an unsavoury side of history.
The cleric, in his state of the nation address, to celebrate Easter, said he is forced to speak out because the country does not reflect the dreams he had with Buhari when he was invited to become his running mate in 2011.
Bakare, who was the running mate of Buhari in 2011 under the platform of Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), said he warned in 2015 that Nigeria’s problems are beyond the change of government, stressing that the country’s problems are symptoms of fundamental problems.
“I have laid a historical background as an introduction to this address because it is time to speak out. I am compelled to speak out because this is not the Nigeria General Muhammadu Buhari and I had dreams to create when he invited me to be his running mate in 2011,” he said.
“I am compelled to speak out because the state of the nation does not represent the Buhari I knew when we took that solemn journey towards rebuilding Nigeria.
“I am compelled to cry out because of the intent of the president as contained in his tribute dated October 14, 2019 in honour of my 65th birthday, PMB wrote to me: “We have shared ideas on how to engender a better country and formed a tag team for political power. May the ideas germinate fully, proliferate and give us the country of our dreams.”
“I am compelled to speak out at this point because, given the state of the nation, the legacy of President Muhammadu Buhari is in grave danger of being confined to an unsavoury side of history. I am indeed compelled to speak out because Nigeria is in a state of emergency.
“For many years, Nigeria was in the intensive care unit of the universe. However, six years ago, against timely warnings not to overlook fundamental and underlying conditions as the country prepared for the 2015 elections, her “caregivers” certified her fit and discharged her.
“Underlying conditions have resurfaced and our nation is now in a critical state. Her survival is hanging in the balance and she has been rushed to the emergency room. The diagnosis indicates that a surgical procedure is unavoidable.
“The purpose of this address is to present the facts of this diagnosis and point a way out of our current crisis even as we approach a critical juncture in the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari.
“My aim in highlighting these issues is to ensure that the government of President Muhammadu Buhari does not fall victim to what is historically described, especially in American politics, as the “Second-Term Curse.”
“Political analysts describe the second-term curse as “the perceived tendency of second terms of U.S. presidents to be less successful than their first terms.”
ENDFellow Nigerians at home and abroad, good morning and a very happy Easter to you all. Our theme for today’s State of the Nation Broadcast is “The Conspicuous Handwriting on the Wall,” inspired by the account in Daniel 5 verses 1-6 and 13-29. #SOTNB21
— Pastor Tunde Bakare (@T_Bakare) April 4, 2021
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