If there’s an awareness that these stressful and uncertain times should bring upon us, it’s the NOTHINGNESS OF IT ALL.
Imagine having the wherewithal to ‘go hide’ in the best places of the world, but you can’t because the same fate is staring at all!
History tells us that plagues have always broken out the world over, from time immemorial. But easily lost on humans are the lessons.
An uncle shared a video with me last week in which a religious teacher implied that nature seems to have finally had it with the negative energy from humans. She went on to explain that nature has always intended for all her components to be supportive of the whole.
For example, the strong protects the weak, those who have share with the have-nots, respecting the sanctity of life, etc.
She noted that perhaps nature got tired of the senseless killings of fellow humans and animals, greed, disconnectedness, etc. and just revolted. She recalled how nature has always handled species that she no longer finds purposeful for her agenda of ‘wholeness.’ She phases them out!
What I came away with (from the teaching) is that our actions and inactions are NOT inconsequential. They impact on nature in some way and she will always respond in her own time.
Look at how coronavirus took the world by storm. Some people may keep viewing it as ‘Chinese virus’ but it’s touched every corner of the globe. Covid-19 just chose to start from China, just as Ebola chose Africa as its origin.
Perhaps, if it had started and ended in China, we would not be this awakened. So, as we battle the virus, may we also take the lessons of the times with us.
I watched a documentary on how China is tackling the virus and determination, patriotism and humanity spoke!
When a people take their country as their own, they give their all to bring her back to her feet. Responsible governance was evident.
Yet, the citizens didn’t leave the efforts to the government alone. As soon as it was safe, people began to venture out of their homes with volunteer efforts.
When hospitals became overwhelmed, individuals with HIV were offering to share their drugs. Most of our ‘big men and women’ are still with the rest of us because there is nowhere to run to, this time round. Coronavirus is everywhere!
Imagine being this helpless with all the stolen (and stashed away) wealth. Frankly, wealth cannot bribe nature.
Perhaps, this is nature’s way of warning us to get our act together, because, when she revolts, there’s no hiding place for anybody!
A couple of stories also made it to my attention, recently. One was the picture of an octogenarian with a shopping cart, before an EMPTY shelf in a grocery shop. And I remembered someone’s recent post on the social media admonishing those buying up hand sanitisers to hoard and inflating prices of drugs to remember that they will remain at risk of Covid-19 if others can’t get their hands on any to use.
Either way, only GOODNESS wins with life. Let’s not allow fear to override our humanity. Exceptional acts of kindness (the world over) have also been documented.
People have reportedly come together to form support groups trending as ‘care-mongering’ to carry the elderly and those with disabilities along. To health workers, fighting the virus goes beyond masking from head to toe. Does your professional conduct inspire hope? Is your attitude still infused with humanity?
When it’s claimed that one of the challenges in ‘contact tracing’ is the false details people give to officials, we shouldn’t divorce the fear of ill-treatment by health workers at the root of it all.
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