As USA Imposes Visa Restrictions On Ghana By Tiko Okoye

Those who are wont to glibly quote the immortal words of German Lutheran, Pastor Martin Niemoller, over every form of political skirmishing in Nigeria have now been finally handed a golden opportunity to go for broke. Let’s wait to see what they would make of it.

Readers may recall that it was Pastor Niemoller, who in condemnation of the murderous role the Gestapo was playing during Hitler’s dictatorship, famously said, “First, they came for the socialists and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a socialist. Then, they came for the trade unionists and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then, they came for the Jews and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Jew. Then, they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.”

The Secretary of the United States Department of Homeland Security, Ms. Kirstjen Nielsen, recently announced that the Secretary of State, Mr. Mike Pompeo, had ordered the imposition of visa restrictions on certain categories of Ghanaian visa applicants with effect from last Monday, February 4.

This is coming on the heels of a row over the deportation of Ghanaians alleged to be staying illegally in the US. The White House is angry that the authorities in Accra have been “stonewalling” since discussions over the matter commenced in July 2016. Some 7,000 Ghanaians are estimated to be involved.

The restrictions would apply to the domestic staff of diplomats posted to the US. In addition, the validity period and number of entries on new tourist and business visas (B1, B2 and B1/B2) for all Ghanaian executive and legislative branch employees, their spouses and their children under 21 will be limited to one month, single-entry visas, with the likelihood that the scope of sanctions will be expanded to a wider population if an “appropriate” timeous response isn’t forthcoming from the Ghanaian authorities.

When you peruse the names of the US officers involved in this saga, you wouldn’t know whether to laugh or cry because like Donald Trump and 100% of non-Native Americans they are all the offspring of immigrants, be they legal or illegal. It is simply a reenactment of the classical and morals-free strategy of using a thief to catch a thief!

It is also both very puzzling and telling that the first set of visa restrictions primarily targets the executive and legislative branch employees, their spouses and their dependent children but not the real actors in the executive and elected legislators together with their wives and kids. What manner of sanctions is this that bypasses the powerful and influential and makes a beeline for the jugular of the vulnerable segment of the population?

Left to me, I would’ve hailed the visa ban as a most welcome development for several reasons. First, it would foster the conservation of Ghana’s scarce foreign exchange reserves. Second, it’d stop policymakers from junketing around the world like the famous (or is it notorious?) Ajala of the 70s’ Nigeria and force them to place a high premium on developing their country.

But, like I earlier pointed out, the net has been primed to catch only the small fishes while the figurative sharks and whales can do and go as they still please. Hence, not much would be achieved by way of foreign exchange savings.

Furthermore, as the Hollywood-type script of high wire underground intrigues presaging the recent visit of former Vice President Atiku Abubakar clearly prove, African leaders place a very high value on their ability to make pilgrimages to the place known as “God’s own country” – not so much as to have a soul-searing encounter with the Christian God as to engage in orgasmic rollicking and frolicking with the god of mammon, licentiousness and hocus-pocus!

But the Buhari administration is well-advised to closely monitor the developments and fallout from the ongoing diplomatic row between Ghana and the US. If 7,000 Ghanaians are estimated to be staying illegally in Trump’s fiefdom, then you can imagine the nightmare that any attempt to deport the army of undocumented Nigerians would create.

Our case is even made worse by the fact that the Nigerian passport has proved to be one of the easiest in the world to be acquired by non-nationals and there are hundreds of thousands of non-Nigerians likely to be deported to our shores on the basis of their fake documents. Although it is quite in order for the government to vet the proper status of each deportee, such an action may be perceived by the paternalistic Americans as constituting foot-dragging or stonewalling on the part of Nigerian authorities and would elicit the same sanctions now being meted to Ghana.

There’s another reason why the Nigerian authorities must not only stay glued to the Ghanaian case but also begin to develop proactive response measures just in case. Trump is like a wounded lion that’s trapped into a corner. His gamble to get funds for building his wall on the Mexican border by bullying the Democrats in Congress seems to have backfired.

The US Government is facing the worst and longest shutdown in American history and tempers are flaring up everywhere. Trump’s popularity rating – which has never been anything to write home about since his Electoral College victory in the Fall/Autumn of 2016 – has been heading further south. Like all bullies, Trump has no option but to turn to pummelling the weakest targets within range in order to still maintain his high-profile rating as a “macho man” and “promise keeper” among his core support base.

That being the case, Trump, the grandmaster of theatricals and virtual reality shows, would next raise an immigration storm in a teacup by making examples of those “shithole African countries “ he had publicly derided since his efforts to stoke a fire with asylum seekers at the Mexican border didn’t deliver the traction his kitchen cabinet had hoped for. So who’s next?

Caveat emptor: Ghana isn’t the only African country in that list of the damned!

Okoye, a financial expert, contributed this piece from Abuja




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