Management of Swollen Glands By Rotimi Adesanya

Glands are lymph nodes. They are part of the lymphatic system, which fights infection in the body. Glands in many different parts of the body can become swollen. Medically, swollen glands are called lymphadenopathy. The lymph nodes are a normal part of the immune system, they are small, typically bean- sized glands that are present in all parts of the body. There are approximately 600 lymph nodes in the body with only the lymph glands in the neck, arm pits and in the groin that can be usually felt. Lymphadenopathy refers to a condition or disease affecting these glands of the body resulting in the lymph nodes that are abnormal in either size, consistency (how they feel to touch) or number.

Lymphadenopathy may occur in just one part of the body, in which case it is referred to as “localised” or it may be present in two or more body areas, in which case it is referred to as “generalised.” The condition most commonly affects nodes in the neck (cervical lymph nodes). They are found in the neck, armpits, chest, groin, and abdomen.

Microorganisms can infect nodes directly and cause a condition called lymphadenitis, which describes lymphadenopathy accompanied by pain and other signs of inflammation such as redness and tenderness.


Infection is the most common cause of lymphadenopathy; if a patient has a scalp infection, the lymph nodes at the back of the neck may be enlarged. If infection is present in the mouth or teeth, lymph nodes around the jaw area may be enlarged. However, lymphadenopathy may occur throughout the body, which is common in the case of some viral infections such as chickenpox. Lymphadenopathy that occurs in response to a viral infection usually resolves within one to two weeks.

More serious causes of lymphadenopathy include some cancers, which may originate in the lymph nodes or spread to them from other areas of the body.

Having swollen glands usually means the immune system is fighting an infection in the swollen area. For example, if you have a sore throat from a virus, you may get swollen neck glands. An infection on your leg can cause swollen glands in the groin.

Other causes are, viruses eczema, insect bites, burns, bacterial infection, such as tonsillitis, adenoid enlargement and cancer.


It is normal to be able to feel lymph nodes as small lumps under the skin, but if infection or another problem is present, the nodes may be enlarged and cause pain, tenderness, redness, and warmth. Depending on the cause of the condition other symptoms may be present, including: body aches, fever, loss of appetite, rspiratory symptoms such as cough or congestion, fatigue, headache.


It will be important for one to see a doctor if there are any other symptoms that may suggest a cause for lymph glands increasing in size (e.g. recent cold or infection, any other symptoms such as loss of weight). The doctor will then examine the area to find out what size the lymph glands are, if they are painful and what the consistency of the lymph glands are (e.g. soft, hard, can be moved under the skin etc). The doctor will also look to see if any other changes associated with the lymph glands enlarging (e.g. skin changes, areas of local infection).

Sometimes a period of waiting and watching for the lymph glands to return to normal size is necessary before doing any tests. Other times the doctor may arrange blood tests or scanning tests to get more information about the cause for the increased in size of lymph glands. Blood tests looking for recent viral infections may be helpful and an ultrasound of the lymph node may be helpful in making sure the large lymph gland is not caused by anything serious.

In a few cases, a biopsy of the gland may be needed if the cause for the lymph gland increasing in size is not known. This is usually done by a surgeon who will remove the lymph gland and send it to the laboratory for testing.


Lymphadenopathy is often harmless and resolves independently, without the need for treatment. If treatment is used, it is targeted at the cause of the lymphadenopathy. Swollen glands caused by a virus may not need treatment. The glands eventually shrink. This can take a few weeks or longer. If there is a bacterial infection, the doctor might prescribe antibiotics. If the swollen gland is due to cancer, the doctor can do a referral to the appropriate cancer specialists for treatment.




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